Multilingual Library in Pasila, Helsinki, is awarded the Rooster Award for its literacy promotion work. The recognition will be awarded by the Finnish Reading Association, FinRA, on International Literacy Day, 8 September, and presented at Pasila Library on Friday, 9 September, at 13:00.
The purpose of Multilingual Library is to provide library service to foreign-language speakers living in Finland. Multilingual Library acquires material for the joint use of all Finnish libraries in languages less commonly spoken in Finland. The collection contains books for children, young people and adults in more than 80 languages. Music, films, magazines, audiobooks and e-books are also available.
FinRA wishes to award Multilingual Library for providing culturally and linguistically aware library services and literature to foreign-language speakers throughout Finland. FinRA Board representative Juli-Anna Aerila justifies the awarding of Multilingual Library as follows:
“This year’s Rooster Award recalls the importance of multilingual and native language literature, and reading in general, in an ever more linguistically and culturally diverse Finland. Access to library services in one’s native language is very important from the point of view of integration, learning a second language, and identity. Numerous international studies show that primary, secondary and foreign language literacy and literature support the learning of all languages and literacy skills. Multilingual Library performs an extremely important task in providing literature in almost a hundred languages to other libraries, schools, daycare centres and families throughout Finland.”
This is the 42nd Rooster Award. Previous awardees include Märta Tikkanen, Kerttu Vuolab, News in Easy Finnish/LL-bladet, Kevin Lankinen and Kustannus Z.
More information about the Rooster Award (in Finnish)
More information about Multilingual Library
Photo: Maite Gonzales / City of Helsinki