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Pikku Huopalahti and Ruskeasuo locals invited to Mayor’s resident evening on 5 May

The Mayor’s resident evening will be organised at Pikku Huopalahti Primary School on Thursday, 5 May, from 19:00–20:30. The event can also be viewed live on Helsinki Channel.

Hosted by Mayor Juhana Vartiainen, the evening will bring together residents of Pikku Huopalahti and Ruskeasuo and City of Helsinki representatives and partners.
“This time, the Mayor’s resident evening is organised at Pikku Huopalahti Primary School. You can follow the discussion and ask questions on site, or online, through Helsinki Channel, whichever suits you best,” says Titta Reunanen, Team Leader in Interaction.

Preliminary questions and topics for the evening will be collected from residents in the KerroKantasi service through a survey open for everyone to read and respond to.

The resident evening is organised in cooperation with the Pikku Huopalahtiseura and Ruskeasuo-Seura associations.

A bilingual invitation will be sent to all homes in Pikku Huopalahti and Ruskeasuo about two weeks before the event

Mayor’s resident evening for Pikku Huopalahti and Ruskeasuo residents

In the event, residents can ask about topical issues related to Pikku Huopalahti and Ruskeasuo directly from the Mayor of Helsinki, Juhana Vartiainen, and the Heads of Divisions.

You can also send questions via the message wall through the link available on the Helsinki Channel website. You can also submit questions online.

Pikku Huopalahti Primary School on 5 May 2022 from 19:00–20:30 (Address: Pikku Huopalahti Primary School, Tilkankatu 19, 00300 Helsinki).

Health safety measures will be observed at the event. Read more about the latest COVID-19 updates.

A recording of the event can also be viewed on Helsinki Channel.

Read and see more:


KerroKantasi survey 

Facebook event 

Helsinki Channel (watch the live stream of the event)

Find your way to participate in and influence the development of Helsinki

Recordings of previous Mayor’s resident evenings

Photo: Henna Hiltunen

The news
has been published on 13.4. and has been updated on 2.5. and 5.5.